Essential oils are going mainstream, baby. It’s time to get on board. 

Essential oils are only for crunchy hippie moms who believe in voodoo magic, right?

Wrong. Essential oils are going mainstream, baby. It’s time to get on board. 

Try doTERRA, Green Eggs and Ham.jpg

How can you know you hate them if you don’t try them? I’m not trying to sound all Green Eggs and Ham over here, but, he has a point, you know? I also just realized that I sound like every parent of a toddler at the dinner table. HA! It’s time to start practicing what we preach. Try something new. You may like it. 

Intrigued? It’s time for you to have an oil experience!

Let me tell you how to try them and see if they work for you: 

  1. The easiest way to try essential oils is to ask for a sample. That’s right, I’m putting the ball in your court. Shoot me a quick message and I will send you some goodies to try if you’re new to oils.

  2. Are you ready to make a change in your lifestyle? Get yourself a wholesale account STAT! You can try the best quality essential oils at the deepest wholesale discount and even earn points for free items of your choice. Click the button for step-by-step instructions.

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