5 Healthy Snacks With Essential Oils

Can something taste good and be good for you? OF COURSE!

We have put together some of our favorite HEALTHY and yet indulgent treats. These are designed to help you stay on target as you work towards creating a more natural lifestyle…which includes food choices.

How To Make Strawberry Yogurt Bark:

Strawberry Yogurt Bark with Essential Oils.png

Not a Greek yogurt person? No problem! Can you say FUDGE? That’s right! This is a healthier freezer fudge with peanut butter and cocoa! It’s sure to satisfy your treat cravings without throwing you off course.

How To Make Freezer Fudge

Freezer Fudge with Essential Oils.png

How To Make A Green Smoothie

Just combine kale, berries, pineapple (my favorite), water, and Wild Orange essential oil. Such a treat!

Green Smoothie with Essential Oils .png

Any choco-holics out there? Struggling with the sweet tooth? Here’s a decadent treat for you!

How To Make A Cacao Nib Smoothie

Cacao Smoothie with Essential Oils.png

How To Make Natural Energy Balls or Energy Bites (as we call them at my house)

Energy Bites, Energy Balls.png

There are so many varieties of Energy Balls out there—give this one a try! It’s a favorite and has a great texture?

What are your healthier snacks to treat yo’self with?

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New to Oils?

If you’re interested in living a more natural lifestyle, please let me help you incorporate oils into your daily life. They are amazing.

Shoot me a message!